Wir kümmern uns um Warme FüßeKomfortzonenBadewonnenDurchatmenWasserschlachtenSorglosfeelingZukunftssicherheitPositive Energie

An overview of our services for private customers

Your HVAC experts for heating, ventilation and sanitation in Berlin

Are you a private customer?
That's what we can do for you:


Would you like to modernize your heating system in Berlin or have your system professionally serviced? Here you can find out everything that is important.

BathRoom Solutions

Whether it's bathroom renovation or age-appropriate bathroom conversion — in Berlin, we are the experts when it comes to your very own dream bathroom.


Do you want to heat sustainably while saving energy and costs? With HGZ, you have the best craftsmen at your side in Berlin.

Domestic water

From water treatment to leak protection — we are your specialists for healthy and sustainable water management.


With an HGZ maintenance contract, you protect your heating system from unnecessary failures, increase its lifespan and save energy and costs.

repair and

Burst pipes, heating faults, plumbing repairs, emergency service — our HGZ service team is there for you quickly and reliably when it matters.

We don't think in boxes. Instead, we always find the best individual solution!

Julian Steinberg,
Head of Service bei HGZ

Noch Fragen?
wir haben die Antworten.

Wenn du mehr über unsere SHK-Leistungen für Privatkunden in Berlin erfahren möchtest, findest du hier noch einige häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten. Du kannst uns aber natürlich auch jederzeit persönlich ansprechen.

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Latest news on the HGZ blog

Our new website is live

Our digital figurehead provides plenty of information and service functions for customers and applicants.

Wir wurden mit dem German Customer Award ausgezeichnet

Die German Customer Awards prämieren jährlich Deutschlands beste Unternehmen im Bereich der Kundenzufriedenheit. Preisträger setzen Qualitätsstandards und heben sich durch besondere Leistungen und Innovationen im Kundenservice hervor.