
Your HVAC experts for heating, ventilation and sanitation in Berlin

Green wave for Berlin — heating with renewable energy!

Do you not only want to heat cost-effectively, but also do something good for the environment at the same time? Good decision! With our modern heating solutions based on renewable energy, you are focusing on sustainability and efficiency. Together, we are shaping Berlin's energy revolution.

  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Heat pumps & hybrid systems
  • Local energy advice
  • Sustainable solutions
  • Independence from fossil fuels
  • Diverse funding opportunities
  • CO2 reduction
Get your personal advice


Do you want to modernize your heating system and save costs? We provide you with expert advice on all issues related to heating replacement. You will receive your non-binding initial offer in 2 minutes via our heating calculator.

Heating check

With our heating check, we show you valuable savings potential. At the same time, you will meet all legal requirements for testing your gas heating system. Find out more about our attractive packages now.


Heating systems are complex and in use for thousands of hours a year. With a regular check, you can rest assured that everything is working optimally and reliably.


We listen and only recommend what fits

Focus on sustainability

Use resources wisely for people and the environment

Government-Subsidy advisory

We'll tell you what's possible so you don't waste money

Sustainability, rethought

When and where
does the future
actually begin?

The world we will live in tomorrow is created in the minds of those who understand that they can help shape it today. Do you see it that way too? Then let's do it together.

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Our new website is live

Our digital figurehead provides plenty of information and service functions for customers and applicants.

Wir wurden mit dem German Customer Award ausgezeichnet

Die German Customer Awards prämieren jährlich Deutschlands beste Unternehmen im Bereich der Kundenzufriedenheit. Preisträger setzen Qualitätsstandards und heben sich durch besondere Leistungen und Innovationen im Kundenservice hervor.

Your path to independent energy generation!

Global thinking requires local action: With decentralized energy generation, you are making a valuable contribution to sustainable climate protection. Photovoltaics are a clear key factor in this. Because it enables you to produce your own electricity independently and sustainably — and with a clear conscience.

  • Independence from public power grids
  • Photovoltaics for sustainable power generation
  • Battery storage for energy autonomy
  • Optimum combination with heat pump
  • Safe emergency care in the event of a power failure
  • Selling excess energy at a profit
  • Your contribution to climate protection and energy transition

Photovoltaics and battery storage: the future-proof combination

Shutdown of nuclear power plants. Coal phase-out. Political uncertainties in gas imports. Energy supply must be rethought. With your own photovoltaic system, you produce your own electricity in an environmentally friendly way, which you can also efficiently store and use whenever you need it with a suitably sized battery storage system. If you also integrate a heat pump, you can use the self-generated electricity even even more efficiently - for example for your heating or water heating. In this way, you can not only reduce your energy costs, but also actively contribute to climate protection.

Energy-independent and environmentally friendly: your best decision!

Your own photovoltaic system is much more than just an investment in your self-sufficient energy supply. It is an active statement for climate protection and a sustainable future. By combining photovoltaics and battery storage, you maximize your personal contribution to the energy revolution. Not only do you produce green electricity for your own needs, but you can even feed excess energy into the grid and thus benefit even more. In the event of a network failure, you will be still supplied with power via an emergency line.

Get your expert advice

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Als Projektplaner und Gebäudeenergieberater kümmere ich mich bei HGZ um alle Anliegen zum Thema erneuerbare Energien. Du erreichst uns ganz einfach per Direkt-Kontaktformular oder per Telefon unter 030 5497939-11.

Heating with a heat pump

Would you like to heat your house sustainably and cost-effectively with renewable energy? Then take advantage of the heat pump: efficient, environmentally friendly and future-proof! Switch now, save costs in the long term and make an important contribution to climate protection!


Looking for clean energy from your own roof? Benefit from the infinite power of the sun for your home! With modern photovoltaics, you not only generate environmentally friendly electricity from it, but you also reduce your energy costs and actively contribute to climate protection.

Cell heater

More and more of our customers are enthusiastic about the topic of fuel cell heating systems — the innovative way of heating! High efficiency, low emissions and cutting-edge technology. Find out here how you can benefit from it for your home.

Thanks HGZ! It feels great to be completely independent of oil and gas.

Our brand partners for renewable energy
in Berlin

When it comes to renewable energy in Berlin, we rely exclusively on the best manufacturers on the market. Many of them, by the way, are family businesses made in Germany... just like us.


As a leading provider of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology, the German family-owned company stands for innovative and energy-efficient system solutions. With all products, Vaillant places great value on comfort, usability and sustainability in order to create a greener future.


Viessmann is one of the leading manufacturers of heating and cooling systems. With the aim of making living spaces sustainable for the future, the family-owned company focuses on innovative solutions and the highest quality standards and is thus actively driving the energy revolution forward.


Bosch Thermotechnology stands for high-quality heating products and hot water solutions. With pioneering technology and a clear focus on sustainability, innovation and convenience, the company makes a significant contribution to environmentally friendly heating and water supply.


Buderus (Bosch Group) for absolute quality and reliability in the area of heating and heating technology. With a wide range of products from efficient heating systems to intelligent control solutions, the company is clearly focused on sustainability, innovation and customer proximity.

Got Any more questions?
We've got all the answers.

Here you can find frequently asked questions and answers on the topic of renewable energy in Berlin.

Solarthermie nutzt Sonnenenergie, um Wasser zu erwärmen, während Photovoltaik Sonnenlicht in elektrische Energie umwandelt.

Wärmepumpen sind in der Regel effizienter und können bis zu 3-4 Mal mehr Energie liefern, als sie verbrauchen.

Die meisten Systeme haben eine Lebensdauer von 20-25 Jahren, wobei regelmäßige Wartung ihre Lebensdauer verlängern kann.

Mit Energiespeichern kannst du überschüssige Energie speichern und an solchen Tagen nutzen. Zudem können Hybridlösungen eingesetzt werden.

Der Einbau erneuerbare Energiesysteme erhöht den Wert deiner Immobilie. Denn sie machen dein Gebäude zukunftssicher und reduzieren zudem die Betriebskosten.

Ja, viele erneuerbare Energiesysteme können auch in älteren Gebäuden installiert werden. Aber das auch auf dein Gebäude zutrifft klären wir gerne in einem persönlichen Gespräch.

Es gibt verschiedene staatliche Förderprogramme und Zuschüsse. Wir beraten dich gerne über die aktuellen Möglichkeiten in Berlin.

Es ist möglich, aber erfordert eine Kombination aus Energieerzeugung, -speicherung und -management. Für viele Haushalte ist es sinnvoller, teilweise unabhängig zu werden.

Je nach Größe und Standort der Anlage sowie den aktuellen Strompreisen kann sich eine Photovoltaikanlage in 8-12 Jahren amortisieren.

Das hängt von deinem Standort und deinem Haus ab. Gängige Optionen sind z.B. Wärmepumpen, PV-Anlagen und Brennstoffzellenheizungen.

Sie sind umweltfreundlich, reduzieren CO2-Emissionen, können deine Energiekosten senken, erhöhen den Wert deines Hauses und machen dich unabhängiger von Strom und Gas.

Erneuerbare Energien sind Energiequellen, die sich natürlich erneuern und nicht erschöpfen, wie z.B. Sonne, Wind oder Wasser.